Solar HVAC options can greatly reduce dependence on the [city] power grid, but new alternatives do not eliminate the energy need all together. They work with it to ensure that the unit is performing at the highest efficiency, which, in turns, cuts down on energy bills. You won’t quite get to say farewell to the power company, but they won’t be taking as much out of your wallet each month, either.
Out of all of the components, the HVAC compressor uses the most energy while it serves two different purposes. First, it compresses the refrigerant before sending it through the unit. Second, the compressor generates heat if the [city] weather gets frigid. It’s where most of the magic happens to keep homes and businesses comfortable, and it’s what can also run up your power bills.
Innovative options in solar power, however, combine the natural abilities of solar heat with the necessities of a compressor, and the result reduces energy bills substantially. The systems rely on thermal energy that is generated by the solar panel to take pressure off of the compressor so it can work at a lower speed and, as a result, pull up to 40 percent less power from the grid. The massive increase in efficiency then reduces those overwhelming power bills.
Using What You Have
Home and business owners don’t have to invest in a brand new system to take advantage of solar HVAC alternatives. Options like our SunTrac Solar Thermal Smart Panel can be installed to work with existing or brand new systems. They are flexible enough to use with units and refrigerants of many kinds, and this opens up the door to savings for homes and buildings of all ages.
Quality Over Quantity
Buildings large and small, from multilevel [city] offices to small, single-family homes, can benefit from solar-assisted technologies. The units are scalable so they can be utilized in buildings of all sizes. A small unit can be used to reduce consumption for residential space while several large units of the same type can keep multilevel and commercial structures at a comfortable temperature.
Clean Air, Clean Energy
Making a full switch to solar power has a few drawbacks and may be cost prohibitive for a lot of individuals and businesses throughout [city]. It will take our country decades (at least) to manage a complete transition to some sort of reliable, clean energy, so we will have to make use of intermediate options until then. Technologies like solar assistance take some of the pressure off of the HVAC components that need the most power, and they take plenty of pressure off of the individual who is footing the bills.
Solar power has been an option for decades, and it’s expanding role indicates that we will continue to be able to harness it for innovative uses. Its availability in heating and cooling will likely expand as our options for energy efficiency do the same. If a switch to solar-assisted HVAC sounds like the right decision for your needs, contact your [city] Energy Efficiency Pros technician to get more information.