hotel-1330841_640Light-emitting diode bulbs, or LED’s for short, are becoming increasingly more popular amongst homeowners and businesses owners in the [city] area. LED lights switch on faster, don’t generate a lot of heat and are more economically advantageous than traditional lights.  It’s no secret that LED’s tend to be slightly more expensive than traditional bulbs, and unfortunately, this upfront cost is also a main deterrent for switching..

Here are five reasons why purchasing LED’s is still a good idea – and one that will save you money in the long run.

They Are More Durable

Studies have shown that LED lights can last up to 100,000 hours under “ideal circumstsances,” which is considerably longer than the average lifespan of an incandescent bulb, which sits at just around 500 hours. It’s important to note, however, that most LED manufacturers claim their bulbs last from 25,000 to 50,000 hours.

They Are Energy Efficient

Of all the types of light bulbs, LEDs are the most energy efficient. While an incandescent bulb may use about 60 Watts per hour, its efficiency is only 20%. Its LED equivalent, on the other hand, uses just about 10 Watts and emits light at an efficiency level of roughly 60%.  Because of this efficiency, LEDs can help you save money on energy costs AND reduce the carbon footprint you leave behind.

They Help You Save Money

Even though traditional light bulbs are less expensive than LED bulbs, the latter are more economically advantageous in the long run. According to data published by U.S. Department of Energy, there are more than 40 light sockets in every U.S. household, including [city]. It is estimated that after 50,000 hours of LED lighting use, you will save more than $250 than if you had used incandescent bulbs during that same period of time. On average, LEDs last 25 times longer than incandescent light bulbs and 50 times longer than compact fluorescent bulbs.

Conversion to LED’s Is Inevitable

In 2005, Brazil and Venezuela passed regulations that effectively phased out incandescent light bulbs. The purpose of the regulations was to make a switch to more energy efficient methods of illumination. Similar regulations were passed in the United States and Canada in 2014. This forces the conversion from traditional bulbs to LEDs not only in the [city] area, but also to every city and town across the United States.

They Are Ecologically Friendly

Fluorescent light bulbs contain a number of substances, including mercury, that can be dangerous to the environment. There are no toxic chemicals in LEDs, however.  What’s more, LEDs are completely recyclable and can reduce your carbon footprint by up to 30%.


By using LED lights, you can save a lot of money and live knowing that the light bulbs you purchase are ecologically friendly. There is no reason to keep using old, out-of-date bulbs when technological advancements are changing the lighting industry as we know it.