If you want to get creative with your home lighting, LEDs are the way to go. Besides being highly energy efficient, LEDs are also very flexible, coming in a wide variety of shapes and forms. If you want maximum versatility, LED light strips should be what you’re looking for.

With each light-emitting diode positioned on a thin strip of silicone or plastic, LED strips can fit in tight spaces like drop ceilings, under cabinets, and hand rails on stairs. If you’re new to this type of LED fixture, below are a few recommendations on how to use them to jazz up your [city] home.

Place LED Strips Behind the Bathroom Mirror

Tired of looking at the bathroom mirror and seeing shadows on your face because of poorly positioned lights? LED strips are the solution. Try mounting your mirror on a base so there’s a gap between it and the wall. This gives you enough room to stick your LED strips behind the mirror, giving your vanity area a new look—one where the light shines more evenly on your face.

Around your Entertainment System

Want to take your entertainment area to the next level? Add some LED strips under your couches, behind the TV and/or TV rack, and around your sound system. This is an affordable DIY alternative to those special furniture pieces you often see in club lounges.

Mounting LED strips behind your TV also creates a bias lighting effect that not only looks good, but also helps reduce eyestrain when looking at the TV in the dark.

On the Edges of Your Bed

Give your bed an instant makeover by placing strips of LEDs on its bottom edges. This not only gives your bed a cool, futuristic aesthetic, your LED strips also serve as a convenient nightlight—useful when you wake up in the middle of the night and need help finding your bedroom slippers or shoes.

For this setup, choose an LED strip with a lower lumens rating to create a subdued look. Better yet, get a strip that works with a dimming controller.

Your Refrigerator

Adding LED strips inside your refrigerator has a more functional use. If your refrigerator’s light doesn’t give your ice box justice, go for LED strips, which can help you identify what’s still edible and what needs to be thrown out. Install the LED strips with a motion sensor so that it switches on only when you open the fridge door.

Around the Tub

Add LED strips under the edges of your tub to give it an ethereal glow, making your bathroom appear relaxing to the senses. Just turn the main lights off, light some scented candles, and sit back and soak in your glowing tub. Just be sure you’re installing waterproof LED strips to avoid any nasty accidents.

Around Paintings or Photo Frames

LED strips can make anything in a frame pop out, so they’re ideal for art pieces or photographs you want to highlight or turn into focal points in your rooms. The same technique when lighting your bathroom mirror applies here—mount frames on a base so the “hover” a few centimeters away from the wall. Then, install your LED strips.

Stairs and Walkways

LED strips can illuminate the individual steps of your stairs. This not only makes them look great it also adds a safety feature, especially for steps outside your home. LED strips also make great guide lights for walkways and hallways.

So, there you have it. If you want to experiment with LED strips, choose any of these lighting applications and see how you like the effect. And if in doubt, simply consult with an electrician or lighting designer.