Because of their size and deep structure, industrial spaces can be difficult to illuminate. In many cases, the industrial facility does not favor natural lighting due to the high ceilings, large floor area, and/or lack of windows. As such, artificial lighting is the only option to light these facilities, even during daytime.

Unsurprisingly, lighting a large industrial space can be expensive. Industrial lighting can eat up a substantial portion of your total monthly electricity consumption, more so if you’re using traditional lighting options (e.g. halogen lamps and high-pressure sodium lamps) that use a lot of power. And if you have a facility with multiple light points, you could be looking at a utility bill where hundreds of dollars go to lighting alone.

Apart from cost-savings, another important dimension of lighting you need to consider is safety. In industrial settings, lighting can be instrumental in preventing workplace accidents and helping workers feel comfortable at work.

If you aren’t sure where to start when lighting your industrial facility in [city], here are the steps you need to know.

Use as Much Natural Light as You Can

As mentioned earlier, industrial buildings and spaces can’t depend on natural lighting, but there are many ways to let as much natural light as possible into the space.

For example, you can install more windows or transparent ceilings, which will open up the space to more sunshine during the day. It’s also a good idea to regularly clean your windows and transparent ceilings to keep them in good condition, preventing dust and grim from blocking out the sun.

Conduct Regular Maintenance

Poor maintenance is a common issue that can lead to many issues revolving around industrial lighting. These include:

  • Burnt out bulbs
  • Flickering bulbs
  • Bulbs dimming earlier than expected

Bad bulbs that continuously blink can cause eyestrain, fatigue, and other general health problems. Not only that, they also cause issues with your facility’s electrical wiring.

Make it a point to have regular maintenance scheduled for all your lighting fixtures and bulbs so any small problems can be nipped in the bud.

Opt for Adjustable Lighting

Different areas of an industrial need different lighting conditions. Although having uniform lighting seems to make sense, it’s important to remember that lighting must also adapt to different situation and tasks. And certain tasks require certain levels of lighting.

For example, an assembly line where workers put together bits and pieces might need a brighter space. For these tasks, it’s best to have a bright light source, but one workers can adjust to their comfort level.

On the other, office work usually needs a light source close to the employee, ideally in the form of a desk lamp or overhead pendant lights.

Upgrade to Modern Light Bulbs

Halogen lamps, high-pressure sodium lamps, and other conventional light bulbs have become a thing of the past in industrial lighting. Whether it’s residential, commercial, or industrial lighting, LEDs are quickly becoming the gold standard in lighting due to their energy-efficiency, long lifespan, and durability. They’re a bit more expensive than traditional lighting options, but their operating costs in the long run more than compensates for their initial investment.

Remember, when lighting industrial spaces, there are two things to consider: cost-savings and worker comfort and safety. Take your time to install the best lighting scheme for your facility—there’s a lot more riding on it than you think. When in doubt, consult a lighting specialist to discuss your options.